Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Lead pre-screen for "Rogue"!

I just got back from my pre-screen for the feature film Rogue. That's the new Jet Li action movie. Jet Li! I was brought in by Maureen Webb & Colleen Rogers. They were seeing me for one of the lead roles! I haven't met Maureen before, but Colleen remembered me from my 88 Minutes audition. Both were super nice, and Colleen read with me. When we were done, Maureen was very positive about what she'd seen, and I feel so great! I know some may say, "It's just a pre-screen" but those are SO important to me. Like with this one, now Maureen Web knows who I am, and what I can do. And with her positive reaction and comments, I know that I left a good impression on her.

The audition itself was for such a great character - like no other character I've ever played. Whereas most of my roles place me as the ingenue, this one was villainous, cool, cold, sexy. She's described as "a tigress in black, able to instill fear into the hearts of the highest ranking... clan". I loved it! And I would love to audition for the role. But you know, if I don't get that chance, I'm pretty confident that I opened the doors to future chances. :)

And that ends a 5-auditions-in-a-row streak for me. I taped my Irreversi audition on Saturday, had 2 auditions Monday (one was for Coreen Mayrs!), then one Tuesday, and finally, the Rogue audition today. Plus I had a singing gig on Saturday night, my mom was in town so stayed with me for five days, and I have my full time day job! Oh, and I'm preparing for another small singing appearance this coming Sunday. All this while trying to fight off whatever is causing an icky cough. What a crazy time, but I love it! Cross your fingers for Rogue!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Feature Film, Lead Audition!

Irreversi PosterI just got off the phone with my agent... I have an audition for the lead in a feature film! They called him and asked to see me in LA on Friday, to which he responded, "Oh! She's Vancouver based. Can we put the audition on tape for you?" And thank goodness, it's no problem at all. That would freak me out to go to LA to audition! I was on the phone right away to book time with the woman I tape with. And that worked out, too, as she's available this weekend. I'll be taping my audition with her in the afternoon on Saturday, then heading out to my concert right after. Hectic, but it'll all get done.

The movie is called Irreversi, and the character has a "beautiful soprano voice". How perfect would that be to combine my singing with film work? And as if this all wasn't enough, the movie is shooting in Hong Kong this spring!

I'm super excited for this project. It sounds really intriguing! From the character breakdown I received, and the sides I got, it sounds like a great, juicy movie to do. Keep your fingers crossed! :)