Monday, September 12, 2005

Filmed "Baptist Hospital" Commercial

Filmed!Yesterday I did another first! I booked "background" for a commercial. My agent called me to tell me the casting director wanted me for background, and after we discussed it, I decided to go ahead and do it. We did the filming yesterday, and I'm glad I took the job. The spot we were filming involved 2 principals, and 3 backgrounds. It all took place in a boardroom, so it wasn't like a mass background call or anything. Everyone who was there was there for a reason. Plus, one of the other actors there was a guy I worked with on Miss Saigon! We had a great time. Production was good, too. They seemed very organized, and we had some great laughs. And, after 3 hours, we were wrapped.

The commercial will air somewhere in the US, so again, I won't be able to see it. Unless someone out there happens to catch it, record it, and send me a copy. Hee hee. :)

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