Tuesday, May 2, 2006

I'm on Hold!

Woo hoo! Cross your fingers. I just got a call from my agent, and I've been put on hold for a commercial. I had the audition last week, and had my callback yesterday. It was interesting because there was no "acting". At the callback, it was just me and the director, talking one-on-one. Well, yes, there were tons of other people in the room, too, but really, it all came down to just the actor and the director. And all we did was chat. He would ask me a question, I'd answer, he'd listen then follow up with a related question, etc. Actually, it was cool, because when I went into the room and we were introduced, he looked at me and said, "I've seen you before..." and then he racked his brain trying to figure out where. He thinks he saw me at a Woolite audition. So that's cool! Anyway, it's down to me and maybe one or two other girls for the part. We should know by the end of the week. Man, it seems like the end of the week is sooo far away.

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