Friday, April 13, 2007

Tide to go - I'm a believer

OK, I've never quite been sure of this whole "Tide to go" thing. But this week, I became a believer. I had an audition, and it was one of those nicer, sunny days, so I decided to wear my khakis. I had to go to my regular day job first for a while, then go to my audition in the afternoon. When I got to work? There was this horrible black streak on the thigh of my pants! I didn't have time to go home for a change before my audition, and it was this really obvious black streak. After fretting for a bit, I picked up a Tide to go thingy, and started dabbing at the gross glob. At first, it just looked like it might have been spreading the blob, but it just looked that way because it was wet. Then, all of a sudden I looked down, the spot was dry, and the gross blog was gone! It really worked! Now the thingy is in my purse, so I won't have to worry if this happens again. I still don't know what the streak was or where it came from, but that's my story of how I became a believer.

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