Friday, April 1, 2005

The end of a busy week

It has been a great week for auditions! I've had three different kinds of auditions in the past three days. First off was a print work audition for Nokia. That was by far the easiest audition I have ever had. We just went in, had 2 smiley photos taken, and that was it. We didn't even have to slate! The next day was for a musical. Not just your average local theatre company audition, either. It was for Lord of the Rings, the new Mirvish production in Toronto, scheduled to go up in Feb. 2006. It was great to be called in to sing and read for them. Then the last one (today!) was for a docudrama, where I was auditioning to play the lead's girlfriend. I was the youngest looking one in the room, but I had a good read, and it was nice to be brought in by the casting director again. Who knows what may happen with these, but they were all good, solid auditions, and I left each one feeling that I had done my best.

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