Friday, February 2, 2007

"Men in Trees" audition today

What a whirlwind. I did a coaching session this morning for my audition, went back to my *ugh* day job for 2 hours, then went downtown to do my first audition with Stuart Aikins! I went up to the casting office, signed in, then waited. It was very formal - no forms to be filled out, just sign in and leave your headshot/resume for the casting assistant. She came out every once in a while to gather them.

I was up first. She called out my name from her desk, I went in, and she directed me to the casting room. There was only one guy there, sitting behind a table. He was super friendly and he did the read with me. But it threw me a little that there was no camera rolling, and that he was much younger than I had imagined Stuart to be. I quickly figured out it must be Sean Cossey, Stuart's partner, and that this was a pre-screen, not an actual audition. But I was prepared, so I did the read with him, and he seemed to like what I did. He even liked the small change I made when he gave me direction for a line. I left feeling good, but a little phased, as I had gone in thinking it was for an audition. After going back (again!) to my day job, I contacted my agent, and even she was confused as there had been no mention that this was a pre-screen. We're usually told.

Anyway, a couple hours later, my agent called me - it was Sean in the room, and he did like what he saw, and now I'm going in on Monday for the real audition! The only note they had for me was that they wanted me to now do the read with a heavy Chinese accent. Thank goodness I get the weekend to figure that out! I'm so happy that my first time in front of them left a good impression. :D

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